

  • 职  称:ok138cn太阳集团古天乐教授
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  • 邮  箱:liweike@lzu.edu.cn






中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所研究员、博士生导师,中国农业科学院“青年英才计划”入选者。自2009年以来,一直致力于负链RNA病毒的研究工作,以分子病毒学和结构生物学互为交叉,研究重点主要集中于病毒基因组结构与功能、病毒RNA合成、蛋白-蛋白相互作用、抗病毒药物和烈性外来传染病传播机制等基础研究,以及新型分子标记疫苗和活病毒载体疫苗研发等应用研究。近年来在 Journal of Virology、Molecular Therapy Oncolytics、PLoS Pathogens、Viruses、Frontiers in Microbiology 等国际期刊发表多篇文章,并担任 Virologica Sinica、Journal of Medical Virology、Frontiers in Microbiology、Frontiers in Immunology、Animal Health Research Reviews 等多个期刊杂志独立审稿人。







Weike Li, Ryan H. Gumpper, Yusuf Uddin, Ingeborg Schmidt-Krey, Ming Luo*, Complementary Mutations in the N and L Proteins for Restoration of Viral RNA Synthesis. Journal of Virology2018, 92(22): e01417-18. (IF: 4.324)

•Ryan H. Gumpper#, Weike Li#, Ming Luo*, Constraints of Viral RNA Synthesis on Codon Usage of Negative-StrandRNA Virus. Journal of Virology2019, 93(5): e01775-18.  (Co-First Author) (IF:4.324)

Weike Li, Ravi Chakra Turaga,Xin Li, MalvikaSharma, Zahra Enadi,Sydney Nicole Dunham Tompkins, Kyle Christian Hardy, FalguniMishra, Jun Tsao, Zhi-renLiu, DapingFan, Ming Luo*, Overexpression of Smacby an armed vesicular stomatitis virus overcomes tumor resistance. Molecular Therapy Oncolytics2019, 14: 188–195. (IF: 5.71)

Weike Li, Tiansong Li, Yuxiu Liu, Yuwei Gao, Songtao Yang, Na Feng, Heting Sun, Shengle Wang, Lei Wang, ZhigaoBu*, Xianzhu Xia*; Genetic characterization of an isolate of canine distempervirus from a Tibetan Mastiff in China, Virus Genes, 2014, 49:45-57.(IF:1.616)

•Yongfeng Li, Mengqi Yuan, Yuying Han, Libao Xie, Yuteng Ma, Su Li,Yuan Sun, Yuzi Luo, Weike Li*, Hua-Ji Qiu*. 2021. The UniqueGlycosylation at Position 986 on the E2 Glycoprotein of Classical Swine FeverVirus Is Responsible for Viral Attenuation and Protection against LethalChallenge. Journal of Virology(IF: 5.103,共同通讯作者)

•Chen Guohua#, He Xiaobing#, Jia Huaijie, Fang Yongxiang, Wang Xiaoxia, Lou Zhongzi, Yang Fan, Li Weike*, Jing Zhizhong*. 2021.Identification and screening of host proteins interacting with ORFV-ORF047protein. Virology Journal 18:27.(IF: 4.099, 共同通讯作者)

• Fan Yang, Jinlong Tan,Yongxiang Fang, Guohua Chen, Yongzhi Zhang,Qianqian Hu, Wuweiyi Han, Yongsheng Liu, Baoquan Fu, Zhizhong Jing, Weike Li*. 2022. The multiplicity of Infection ofRecombinant Vaccinia Virus Expressing the T7 RNA Polymerase Determines theRescue Efficiency of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus. Frontiers in Microbiology. (IF: 6.064)

•Xie Libao, Han Yuying, Ma Yuteng, Yuan Mengqi, Li Weike, Li Lian-Feng, Li Miao, Sun Yuan, Luo Yuzi, Li Su, Hu Shouping, Li Yongfeng*, QiuHua-Ji*.2020.P108 and T109 on E2 Glycoprotein Domain I Are Critical for the Adaptation ofClassical Swine Fever Virus to Rabbits but Not for Virulence in Pigs. Journal of Virology 94.(IF: 5.103)

•Ryan H. Gumpper, Weike Li, Carlos H. Castañeda, M. José Scuderi, James K. Bashkin, Ming Luo*, A Polyamide Inhibits Replication of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus byTargeting RNA in the Nucleocapsid. Journal of Virology2018, 92(8): e00146-18. (IF: 4.324)

•Zhu Si, Jiayan Zhang, Sakar Shivakoti, Ivo Atanasov, Chang-Lu Tao, Wong H. Hui, Kang Zhou, Xuekui Yu, Weike Li, Ming Luo, Guo-Qiang Bi, Z. Hong Zhou*, Different functional states of fusion protein gBrevealed on human cytomegalovirus by cryoelectron tomography with Volta phase plate. PLoS Pathogens2018, 14(12): e1007452. (IF: 6.463)

•Yongfeng Li, Lian-Feng Li, Shaoxiong Yu, Xiao Wang, Lingkai Zhang, Jiahui Yu, Libao Xie, Weike Li, RazimAli, Hua-Ji Qiu*, Applications of Replicating-Competent Reporter-Expressing Viruses in Diagnosticand Molecular Virology. Viruses2016, 8(5): 127. (IF: 3.811)

Jinlong Tan, Yinju Liu, Fan Yang, Guohua Chen, Yongxiang Fang, Xiaobing He, Zhongzi Lou, Huaijie Jia, Zhizhong Jing*, Weike Li *,Emerging evidence for poxvirus-mediated unfolded protein response: Lumpy skin disease virus maintains self-replication by activating PERK and IRE1 signaling. The FASEB Journal,2023,37(5):e22902.


  1. 景志忠,张莉敏,朱武,房永祥,陈国华,张亚娟,何小兵,景伟,李维克,贾怀杰,娄忠子,高建平,张春祥,付宝权。甘肃省地方标准“牛结节性皮肤病防控技术规范”DB62/T 4633-2022
  2. 景志忠,高建平,唐豪,陈国华,张勇,房永祥,何小兵,景伟,李维克,贾怀杰,娄忠子,张春祥,付宝权。甘肃省地方标准“牛结节性皮肤病血清学诊断技术” DB62/T 4634-2022